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1.Press the Print Screen key on your keyboard. It may be labeled [PrtScn].

2.Open an image editing program, such as Microsoft Paint.

3.Go to the Edit menu and choose Paste.

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反過來看,不學漢字的學生,就顯得辛苦很多,他把shū lǐ 這個詞放到腦中,以初級班所認識的詞彙來看,與shū 相關的意思至少有:書、梳、輸、舒,與 lǐ 相關的意思至少有:理、裡、李、禮,一個音要跟很多意思掛勾,讀取與輸出的過程雜亂多了。


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等學生變成中級班的學生時,我說:shū lǐ ,可能出現這樣的對話:


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1. 漢字很難寫,因為漢字的形與音有沒統一。

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dă zhōng guó zì qí shí hěn jiăn dān.



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dă zhōng guó zì qí shí hěn jiăn dān 



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The Taiwan Fellowships & Scholarships (TAFS) program is a Republic of China (R.O.C.) government initiative aimed to promote relevant research, educational links and enduring friendships between Taiwan and the global community.
The TAFS comprises 9 awards in 3 categories : Fellowships for research, Huayu (Mandarin) Enrichment Scholarships, and Scholarships for Degree. Approximately 1,250 grants are provided annually for undergraduate and postgraduate students as well as researchers across the world to study or to conduct advanced research in Taiwan. For more information, please visit the respective website of each award or contact the R.O.C. embassy or representative office near you.

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教育部 101 年遴薦華語文教學助理赴國外任教第 101004 號公告
任教國家 美國
(University of Arkansas at Little Rock)

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Goal: To help Chinese learners get used to computer-based writing test.

Link: http://wrtest.sc-top.org.tw/

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這則訊息和華語教學沒有關係,可是我覺得它對所有GOOGLE用戶來說十分重要。一旦新政策實行,表示google可以搜集所有用戶在gmail, google+, youtube, Chrome 的資料, 並且用這些資料對用戶進行個人化的廣告行銷。當你上網,進入google帳號,你的瀏覽器就開始出現為你個人設計的廣告,可能會有什麼後果呢?大家自己想像吧。



1) 進入google帳號


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This information is not related to Chinese, but I think it's really important for anyone who is using google account.

The source of this information: Metro

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MOFA TaiwanScholarship


The Taiwan Scholarship program is a joint initiative launched by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA), Ministry of Education (MOE), the Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA) and the National Science Council (NSC) in 2004. At the Republic of China’s centennial in 2011, the Taiwan Scholarship program evolved into the MOFA Taiwan Scholarship program and the MOE Taiwan Scholarship program in order to cater to students of varying backgrounds.

The MOFA Taiwan Scholarship is dedicated to encouraging outstanding students from countries that have diplomatic relations with Taiwan to pursue their bachelor's, master's or doctoral degrees in Taiwan.


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MOFA Taiwan Scholarship

The Taiwan Scholarship program is a joint initiative launched by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA), Ministry of Education (MOE), the Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA) and the National Science Council (NSC) in 2004. At the Republic of China’s centennial in 2011, the Taiwan Scholarship program evolved into the MOFA Taiwan Scholarship program and the MOE Taiwan Scholarship program in order to cater to students of varying backgrounds.

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☆ 宗旨:

  • 慈濟大學語言教學中心(以下簡稱中心),為培養海內外優質華語文專業師資,提供進階華語文教學實務課程。

☆ 招生對象:
1. 華語文教師/持對外華語文教學能力相關證書者。

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The Taiwan Scholarship Program was established to encourage outstanding international students to undertake degree programs in Taiwan. 

In principle, the application period is from February 1st through March 31st of each year. However, the actual application period will in accordance with dates provided by the local Taiwan Representative Offices.

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The Taiwan Scholarship Program was established to encourage outstanding international students to undertake degree programs in Taiwan. 

In principle, the application period is from February 1st through March 31st of each year. However, the actual application period will in accordance with dates provided by the local Taiwan Representative Offices.

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