老師:     陳佳偉。張怡君。

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This is an Taiwanese advertising which is the Winner of London International Advertising Awards in 2006. 

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MOFA TaiwanScholarship


The Taiwan Scholarship program is a joint initiative launched by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA), Ministry of Education (MOE), the Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA) and the National Science Council (NSC) in 2004. At the Republic of China’s centennial in 2011, the Taiwan Scholarship program evolved into the MOFA Taiwan Scholarship program and the MOE Taiwan Scholarship program in order to cater to students of varying backgrounds.

The MOFA Taiwan Scholarship is dedicated to encouraging outstanding students from countries that have diplomatic relations with Taiwan to pursue their bachelor's, master's or doctoral degrees in Taiwan.


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MOFA Taiwan Scholarship

The Taiwan Scholarship program is a joint initiative launched by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA), Ministry of Education (MOE), the Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA) and the National Science Council (NSC) in 2004. At the Republic of China’s centennial in 2011, the Taiwan Scholarship program evolved into the MOFA Taiwan Scholarship program and the MOE Taiwan Scholarship program in order to cater to students of varying backgrounds.

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☆ 宗旨:

  • 慈濟大學語言教學中心(以下簡稱中心),為培養海內外優質華語文專業師資,提供進階華語文教學實務課程。

☆ 招生對象:
1. 華語文教師/持對外華語文教學能力相關證書者。

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