This is an Taiwanese advertising which is the Winner of London International Advertising Awards in 2006. 

It is very interesting that , as the titles shows, a lot of people think it was shot in Alishan (阿ā 里lǐ 山shān), but it's not. It was shot in Pinxi (平píng 溪xī ).


The subtitle in the advertising:

1:11:旅lǚ 行xíng ,是shì 一yì 種zhǒng 追zhuī 尋xún 。


        zhuăn shēn ,jí jiàn xìng fú 。

1:52:huàn ge jiăo dù ,shì jiè jiù bù tóng



旅lǚ 行xíng :travel

追zhuī 尋xún :pursuit

轉zhuăn 身shēn :to make a turn

即jí :immediately

幸xìng 福fú :happiness

換huàn :to change 

角jiăo 度dù :an angle of view; a view point

世shì 界jiè :the world

不bù 同tóng :different


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