Did you notice it? It is the same actress in commerial(22), commerial(33), commerial(34). Someone found it, and composed the three commercials into one story.
你注意到了嗎?在commerial(22), commerial(33), commerial(34)裡的是同一個女孩子。有人發現了,而且把這三個廣告串成一個故事。
Did you notice it? It is the same actress in commerial(22), commerial(33), commerial(34). Someone found it, and composed the three commercials into one story.
你注意到了嗎?在commerial(22), commerial(33), commerial(34)裡的是同一個女孩子。有人發現了,而且把這三個廣告串成一個故事。
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