Did you notice it? It is the same actress in commerial(22)commerial(33)commerial(34)Someone found it, and composed the three commercials into one story.


nǐ zhù yì dào le mā ?zài commerial(22)commerial(33)commerial(34) lǐ de shì tóng yí ge nǚ hái zi 。yǒu rén fā xiàn le ,ér qiě bă zhè sān ge guăng gào chuàn chéng yí ge gù shì 。

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mechakuchayo 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Don't know how to play the typing game?  Click Here 感găn 謝xiè 顏yán 國guó 雄xióng 、章zhāng 薇wéi 菲fēi 與yŭ 陸lù 霞xiá 瑛yīng 老lăo 師shī 熱rè 心xīn 提tí 供gōng 原yuán 始shǐ 檔dăng 案àn 。

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Some interesting Signs:





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mechakuchayo 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

It's a commercial of "Baidu", the the biggest Chinese search engine. 
Baidu made this commercial to go against Google translate.
Whether the message which was conveyed by this commercial is ture or false, or which search engine is better, it is still a very interesting commercial which expresses the difficulty of language understanding .

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