(The information below was transferred from Taiwan fellowship)
The Taiwan Fellowship is established by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) to award foreign experts and scholars interested in researches related to Taiwan , cross-strait relations, mainland China , Asia-Pacific region and Chinese studies to conduct advanced research at universities or academic institutions in Taiwan .
1.Financial asisstance
(1) Monthly grants are paid at the beginning of every month.
a. Professors, associate professors, research fellows, or associate research fellows: NT$60,000.
b. Assistant professors, assistant research fellows, or doctoral candidates: NT$50,000.
(2) One round-trip, economy-class ticket for the most direct route to Taiwan (not applicable to those already doing research in Taiwan . The subsidy will be decided by MOFA in accordance with the relevant regulations).
(3) The terms of fellowship are three to 12 months.
(4) Accident insurance (plus a medical insurance for accidental injuries) coverage of NT$1 million.
Recipients shall be foreign professors, associate professors, assistant professors, doctoral candidates, or same-level research fellows from academic institutions abroad who specialize in social sciences related to Taiwan, cross-strait relations, mainland China, the Asia Pacific, or other aspects of Chinese studies.
(1)Fellowship administrator: Center for Chinese Studies at National Central Library:
(2)Contact person: Mr. Peter Chang
Tel: +886-2-2361-9132 #317
Fax: +886-2-2371-2126
「臺灣獎助金」簡介 外交部於2010年成立臺灣獎助金,旨在鼓勵全球對臺灣、兩岸、中國大陸、亞太區域及漢學研究等社會科學領域有興趣之專家學者來我國各大學校院或學術機構進行研究,促進學術交流。 一、獎助項目: (一) 研究補助費於每月月初發放,計分二級如下: 1.教授、副教授、研究員或副研究員:新臺幣六萬元。 2.助理教授、助理研究員或博士候選人:新臺幣五萬元。 (二) 補助最直接航程之經濟艙來回機票一張(補助金額上限依外交部規定)。現已在臺從事研究者,不予補助來臺機票。 (三) 獎助期限最短三個月,最長以一年為限。 (四) 提供在臺研究期間意外傷害保險新臺幣一百萬元(附加意外傷害醫療保險)。 二、申請人資格: 國外大學相關系所(研究領域以臺灣、兩岸研究、中國研究、亞太研究、漢學研究之社會科學領域為主)之外籍教授、副教授、助理教授、博士候選人及學術機構同等級別之研究人員。 |