The Marriage Proposal to the twelve signs of the zodiac-Virgo
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約yuē 會huì :to have a date; date
M: See, that's the place we had our first date.
In this commercial, they talked about "Commercial 22". Do you want to watch it first? Click Here.
nǐ kàn ,nà shì wǒ mén dì yī cì yuē huì de dì fāng ye 。
nǐ gāi bú huì xiăng jiăng 「wǒ mén jié hūn ba 」zhī lèi zhè zhǒng huà 。
wǒ zuì shòu bù liăo kǒu chǐ bù qīng de rén 。
lián 「jià gěi wǒ ba 」dōu jiăng bù qīng chŭ 。zhè yàng yě xiăng qŭ rén jiā 。
nà nǚ de yě yǒu wèn tí a 。
tā jū rán bă「jià gěi wǒ ba 」tīng chéng 「jiā ge yóu ba 」,
nà shì yì zhǒng ěr bèi 。
tā méi yǒu tīng cuò a 。
shì nà ge nán shēng zì jǐ bă「jià gěi wǒ ba 」zhuăn chéng 「jiā ge yóu ba 」。
wǒ zuì shòu bù le zhè zhǒng míng míng zì jǐ kǒu chǐ bù qīng ,hái xiăng 「yìng ăo」 de rén 。
wǒ mén jié hūn ba 。
nǐ jiăng de hăo duō le 。kě shì hái shì yào chōu kòng jiăo zhèng yí xià yá chǐ 。
約yuē 會huì :to have a date; date
嫁jià :a female to marry a male
娶qŭ :a male to marry a female
類lèi :sort, kind
受shòu 不bù 了liăo :can't stand...
口kǒu 齒chǐ 不bù 清qīng :a lisp
嫁jià 給gěi 我wǒ 吧ba :marry me
加jiā 個ge 油yóu 吧ba :let's fill up the car.
連lián :even
講jiăng :to speak
清qīng 楚chŭ :clear
人rén 家jiā :means "me" or "him", "her". (this expression usually used by female or child)
問wèn 題tí :problem
居jū 然rán :even
聽tīng 成chéng :to mishear
耳ěr 背bèi :a hearing impediment
自zì 己jǐ :himself
轉zhuăn 成chéng :to transform
明míng 明míng :clearly
硬yìng 拗ăo :(It's a Taiwaness. Means someone made a mistake, but won't admit it. He tries to say something to prove himself didn't make the mistake. But everyone knew he made the mistake)
抽chōu 空kòng :taking the time to....
矯jiăo 正zhèng : straighten
牙yá 齒chǐ :teeth
M: See, that's the place we had our first date.
F: Aren't you trying to say something like " Would you marry me"?
I can't stand a person who has a lisp.
He even can not pronounce "Would you marry me" clearly.
That kind of guy still thinks he can get the girl.
M: The girl has problems too. She even mistook "Would you marry me" for "let's fill up the car" . That's a hearing impediment.
F: She didn't mishear. The boy transformed "Let's get married" to "let's fill up the car".
I can't stand a person who has a lisp and won't admit it.
M: Let's get married.
F: Your pronunciation is better. But you till have to straighten your teeth when you have time.